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This is Your special invite to:

My hands-on, step-by-step Virtual Workshop

My List Building Bootcamp

Create an Automated-Sales-Focused-Funnel
Tailored for Entrepreneurs & Network Marketers who want to see perfect prospects come in all day, every day

(without the tech overwhelm, information overload, or half-baked “tactics”)

PSA: This is not your usual home study course. This is Bootcamp, baby!

Bootcamp means you get support, accountability, & (gentle) butt-kicking so you can implement as you go and have an automated sales funnel in just 6 weeks.

Trusted by 27,407 Smart Marketers AND these Rock Stars:

Let's Get Your DM's & Messages From YOUR Perfect Prospects Looking Like Mine

45% of entrepreneurs report being stressed compared to 42% of “other workers.”
(source: Gallup Wellbeing Index)

FACT: The stress of Social Media is REAL.

We’re constantly figuring out the next step for your business, distracted by shiny object syndrome, and trying to “justify” your business to your family.
We know what we want and maybe, even how to get there but we worry. We worry we’re missing the “steps”.
We worry about the tech needed to set up the “systems” we need so we can attract sales & sign ups.
We're embarrassed about our results because we see all these other people on social media crushing.
Most of all, we worry that even if we up doing ALL the things, we’ll still be in the same place, a bit like the Flintstones in their little caveman car. The feet are moving fast, but we aren’t going anywhere.

Figuring out Social Media, feeling like we’re stuck on a spinning wheel with constant activity for very little growth, and watching our sales trickle in while our emotions stack up...

This is NOT what we signed up for.

Raise your hand if you feel like every influencer or Guru online tells you they have the “magic recipe” for big money paydays but then they coolly forget to give you the “steps”

I’ve been there!

I’ve paid for expensive coaches and tons of courses.

I attended multiple “marketing” events only to learn that half the strategies we're being "taught" are not even being used by the people teaching the stuff.

Because here’s the thing…

It’s easy to sell the dream and teach hypothetical things that you see other people doing.

It’s tougher to walk the walk...

Let’s change that NOW!

But First... It's So Nice To Meet You!

I help Entrepreneurs & Network Marketers build 6 & 7-figure businesses and I'm in the trenches building just like you... not just talking the talk like some other guys out there

Hey there! I’m Tanya Aliza and I’ve been building my business online since 2010 using my automated selling and recruiting systems.

But I believe it’s important you know that I’m not the usual “influencer” coach who shows up one day and shares regurgitated “hacks” and
half-baked “tactics” that do more harm than good.

I’ve seen the evolution of social media and I'm in the trenches everyday actually doing and getting results with everything I teach.

"If you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything you want" - Jim Rohn

Today, I’m proud to say that I have a multi-million dollar business and I serve an “online family of students” that’s over 32,845-strong.

I'm also a wife, dog mom, podcast host, YouTuber and lover of all things marketing.

But it wasn’t always roses and rainbows for me.
I’m no unicorn.

I started out with absolutely NO idea what it took to be a successful marketer.

I’ve experienced what a lack of business strategy can do.
I’ve seen first-hand the impact of burnout and financial losses.

I’ve dealt with betrayals by business partners, a heart-breaking divorce, and loss on a deep, personal level.

BUT... I learned.

With each misstep, I learned. With each loss & struggle, I developed resilience.

It took years of investing in myself, testing, experimenting, failing (yesss!), and finding that sometimes, the simplest of systems yield the greatest results.

So now, I give the best foundational strategies to you and Network Marketers, who, like you, want a confusion-free and easy-to-execute automated sales and recruiting system.

I share my best strategies that will work for ANY business, ANY product, ANY service or ANY niche.

I use every step-by-step strategy I share, not only by my personal experience of applying it to my business, thousands of Entrepreneurs and Network Marketers, like YOU, have as well.

Here’s how you’ll go from struggling with sales & sign ups to creating consistent profits with engaged, perfect-for-you customers & teammates.
All the steps, templates and more completely laid out for you.

A Step-by-Step, Zero-Stress
Automated Selling System for Smart Entrepreneurs & Network Marketers Who Want REAL RESULTS in 6 Weeks FLAT!

While this is a 6-week bootcamp, you'll benefit from lifetime access to the entire program. This means you can revisit and progress through the material at your own pace, ensuring you fully absorb and apply the strategies at a speed that suits you best

The First Step In Bootcamp Is: Mapping Out Your Goals & Brand Clarity

We'll Walk Through:

Build a business with the lifestyle you desire and eliminate burnout
Create clarity & abundance with your Brand
Solidify WHO your profitable target audience is so you know who to attract as your best customer or teammate
Use my Brand Identifier Formula to draw in the attention of your best prospects and grow your social media following

Crafting Your Irresistible Lead Generator (aka Your Freebie)

We'll Walk Through:

Creating the perfect 'prospect-attracting' Freebie
How I Leverage ChatGPT & AI to create a winning Freebie that creates massive desire for your product, service or business
How I use subtle sales triggers that helps to get people to want to buy right away
How to copy & use my pre-designed, best preforming Canva Templates that will save you a ton of time

Ultimate Sales & Recruiting Automation

We'll Walk Through:

How I instantly compel my prospects to instantly sign up with me right after they request access to my Freebie
How to copy & use my exact Automated Selling Funnel so you can get up & rolling super fast, without any tech overwhelm
Publishing your new ‘Money Maker’ Automation Page

Build Your Funnel Part 1: Your Money Is In Your List

It’s time to build a profitable email list so you can own your audience rather than rent it from social media!

We'll Walk Through:

Setting up your AUTOMATED email campaign so it can do the telling and selling for you!
Copying my done-4-you email messages designed to help you sell & recruit
Using my favorite (free) email marketing system

Build Your Funnel Part 2: Automatically Turn Subscribers To Sales

We’re not leaving any money on the table!

We'll Walk Through:

Optimizing a specific spot in your Automated Selling Funnel that is perfectly tailored to generate immediate sales and sign ups
Copying & using my ‘Money Maker’ script that’s proven to turn subscribers into loyal customers or teammates
Using my sales-boosting template that includes all 6 elements that are proven to get people to take action with you.

Build Your Funnel Part 3: The Magical Front Door

We'll Walk Through:

Copying & using my best preforming Freebie Landing Page template so you can avoid tech or design hurdles
How I present my Freebie so my audience can’t resist and they quickly type in their name and email to get it (60% conversions)
How to insert your Brand so people start paying attention and want to do business with you.

The Launch Plan: Launch & Market Your New Funnel

It’s time to attract perfect prospects, give massive value & grow your audience!

We'll Walk Through:

Getting your first leads and where to post your new Automated Selling Funnel
Launching your new Funnel using AI and getting it in front of your perfect audience
A special Graduation Ceremony with Tanya to celebrate YOU and get your new funnel exposure within our community.

Total Value $2,997

Special Bootcamp Bonuses Just For You... + Reseller Rights To My List Building Bootcamp

Together, we'll build the foundation of your automated selling system and then with these bonuses we'll…

...FAST-TRACK your sales with

($697 Value)

Affiliate Marketing Money Multiplier + Reseller Rights To My List Building Bootcamp

Become a MLBB Ambassador and make 40% per sale!

We'll Walk Through:

Where to find relevant affiliate offers that your list and audience will love and buy from you.
How to still profit from the people that don’t immediately join your business or buy your products.
How to schedule and position these multiple streams of income in a helpful, non-salesy way so more people love you for making these recommendations to them.

($997 Value)

Your Freebie Funnel Social Media Marketing Manuel

We'll Walk Through:

My best-kept and proven Facebook, Instagram and YouTube marketing plans so you know exactly how to promote your new Freebie Funnel and get it in front of your best prospects.
How to use your new automated selling system to grow your social media accounts and attract interested buyers even if you have a super small following right now.

($497 Value)

My Email Follow Up Sales Templates & Processes

Copy and use my schedule and email templates, designed to convert your new leads into customers and sign ups.
My proven weekly email broadcast formula that builds a deeper connection with your list and continually brings in more sales… without annoying people or being salesy.
How to launch a promotion or new product to your eager email list subscribers.

($497 Value)

Lifetime Campfire Club

Lifetime access to the Bootcamp, all the lessons, all the templates and any updates.
Full human support via email and access to our private member’s Facebook group for as long as you need.
You’ll never have to feel rushed going through this for you business and you’ll be fully supported as you move through this at your own pace.

Total Bonus Pack Value $2,688

Best part?
You’ll do all of this protected by the Tanya Aliza “Execute with Excellence” Promise

I’ve tested out the My List Building Bootcamp method with hundreds of personal students, teammates and my own business. I’ve seen the impact it can make on your business.

This step-by-step, high-touch program is designed to give you the confidence you need to create an automated system for your business without flinging more spaghetti at the wall.

Every pixel of this program breathes excellence.

This is why I know that when you execute with excellence too, the Bootcamp reaps rich dividends.

Show up, do the work, and be open to unlearning outdated tactics and embracing modern marketing strategies that serve and sell.

You have a FULL 60 Days to give this Bootcamp a real workout.

If you do the work and you still don't feel it was worth it, simply email my team, submit your work and request a full 100% refund.

You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!

You have the confidence of knowing that my Freebie Method and Automated Selling System has been put to the ultimate test 

For 60 seconds, picture what consistent flow of interested prospects, sales, and sign ups will do for your business. 

And your life... And your sanity...

You wake up every morning excited and refreshed.

No alarm clock, no demands from work or even your business.

You grab a cup of coffee and pop open your laptop.

As you check in on your business, you see 20 new subscribers that requested your Freebie and one person joined your team. This all happened while you were sounds asleep in bed!

You finally have a business system that's working.

You're finally recognized at your next company event... you qualify for that team incentive trip.

People want to buy from you and work with you because you're giving them VALUE.

There’s even a couple who want you to mentor them.
Wow! And you just got invited to be a guest on a major-league podcast! BOOM!

A quick look at your numbers for the month shows  you’re clearly on track for your best year ever.
And boy, does it feel good?!

You finally have a system in place that literally runs while you sleep so you can wake up to leads and sales.

You now know what freedom looks and feels like.

It’s like a weight’s lifted off your shoulders.

It feels easy and fun.

You’re comfortable and confident being the business owner you know you were meant to be.

Impostor syndrome and entrepreneur exhaustion are GONE!

Bootcamp + Bonuses Total Real World Value



7 Core Modules with accompanying lessons, delivered over 6 weeks, with step-by-step walk-through videos to set up your Automated Selling System quickly & easily.
Worksheets, Checklists & Professionally Designed Templates so you can implement fast and copy what Tanya uses in her business. 
Bonus One: Affiliate Marketing Money Multiplier + Reseller Rights To My List Building Bootcamp 
Bonus Two: Your Freebie Funnel Social Media Marketing Manuel
Bonus Three: My Email Follow Up Sales Templates & Processes
Bonus Four: Lifetime Campfire Club | Lifetime access, updates and support.
Pay-In-Full Bonus: The Entrepreneurs Mastery Summit


**Save $1000 Today**


Just 3 Payments Of $365/mo

Save $98 + Receive My 'Pay-In-Full Bonus' when you pay in full

My Pay-In-Full Extra Bonus

(Retail Value $497)

When you decide to Pay In Full Today, you'll also get Exclusive Access to
‘The Entrepreneur’s Mastery Summit’ This summit includes 3 full video sessions of Marketing,
Wealth Building & Financial Education with Tanya and some of her personal coaches & experts.

Tanya's Million Dollar Content Creation & Marketing Plan

Your Roadmap To Sustainable Wealth

How To Make $100K Month In Passive Income In The Next 5 Years

The 30,000 Foot View Of What Your Automated Selling System Will Look Like & How It Works

Hey friend, you made it to the end.
Now, here’s what I’d tell you if you and I were sipping Pinot Noir on my porch...

You’ve tried the hard way, my fellow rock star.
It’s time to try the smart way.

You’ve read the books.
You’ve bought the tools.
You’ve even taken other courses... maybe many.
But you’re still feeling like you’re stuck

If you keep doing the same thing, you'll keep getting the same result.

And I know, it feels scary to invest in yourself, yet again

But here’s the thing…
Not only are you protected by my promise but you’re also supported every step of the way.

You became an entrepreneur to fulfill lifelong dreams, accomplish big goals, create freedom!

I can’t let you quit on that.
I can’t let you quit on debt-free living and vacations for your family.
I can’t let you quit on being able to replace your full-time job with your flourishing business.
I just can’t.

Because as your mentor, I promise to show up and execute with excellence so you can kick confusion to the curb like a crushed soda can.

And I hope you take me up on the invitation to be a part of this one-of-a-kind, step-by-step Bootcamp to create a system that actually works to attract perfect buyers - wallets in hand, credit cards out… ready to give you their money.

Are you ready to build something that truly helps your business like many of my students have?

Have a question before joining us?

Here Are Some Of My Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I’ve already invested in so many courses. How will this be any different?

I hear you, loud and clear. We, ALL, have waaay too many programs lying ignored and unused in our archives.

That’s exactly why THIS is a Bootcamp with built-in accountability so you’ll implement and BUILD with me, week-to-week.

Here’s what I know… This Bootcamp is definitely NOT another “course” that collects digital dust.

Q. What are the extra costs involved in setting up my Automated Selling System that I should budget for?

Hey there! Setting up your Automated Selling System is like starting a fun project. You might need a few tools to get things rolling, but we’ve worked hard to keep these costs as low as possible. Here’s the lowdown:

1. The Right Tools at the Right Price: First off, you’ll need some tools. Good news is, we’ve made them more affordable than you might expect, so you can concentrate on making money rather than spending it.

2. Your Tools or Ours - You Decide: If you’ve already got some tools you love, feel free to keep using them. If not, we’re here to recommend some that are easy to use and effective. It’s all about what works best for you.

3. Make Money While You’re At It: Here’s something cool - you get to sell MLBB with Reseller Rights, and we’ll give you a 40% commission on any sales you make with your ambassador link. So affordability should never be a roadblock to your success with us.

4. The Essentials:

Email Marketing System: This one’s on the house up to 500 subscribers. After that, it’s $19.99/month. It’s a small step to take for a big boost in reaching your audience.

Funnel Builder: At about $129/year, our recommended funnel builder is a steal. While others might charge this much every month, we’ve found a great deal that won’t empty your pockets. And just so you know, it’s a WordPress Plugin - the same one Tanya uses for all her sites and membership area.

Hosting: You’ll need a spot to host your webpages, and we’ve got you covered at just $2.99/month. It’s the foundation for all the awesome stuff you’re going to build.

So there you have it... about $13.74/mo to use the tools Tanya recommends to fully engage in Bootcamp with us! Isn't that awesome?

Q. Tech overwhelms me. Will this course walk me through everything step-by-step?

Absolutely, if you're feeling overwhelmed by the technical aspects, don't worry – this course is designed with you in mind. 

We meticulously walk you through every step, ensuring clarity and ease in understanding. 

Plus, you'll get access to all our pre-made templates, making the process even simpler. 

Our goal is to make the learning experience as straightforward and user-friendly as possible, so you can focus on growing your business without the tech stress. In short, we've made it as easy as it can possibly be.

Q. I’m just getting started with my business. Should I create an Automated Selling System now or wait? 

OMGOSH, YES!! So, here’s the truth… I wish I’d started list building from Day ONE of my business. Because when you have an email list of engaged, excited-to-hear-from-you prospects, you can stop scrambling for sales.

Which is why I always tell my clients… The best time to start building your list is yesterday and since yesterday is gone, today is the next best time. 

Q. I’m not an expert in my niche. How will this help me? 

That’s totally okay because here’s what you need to know…

Building your list WILL help you position yourself an expert and as a person of value.

Which is why when your prospects are looking to for solutions, they’ll gravitate towards YOU.
Because they’ll see you as a valuable and trusted resource that wants to help them through your Freebie Funnel.

And here’s the best part, you’ll learn exactly how to be seen as an expert and how to offer real value right here in the Bootcamp.

PLUS… You’ll have ME on your side helping you understand exactly how to become the go-to expert with your email list.

Q. I already have a funnel. Will this help me?  

Is your current funnel preforming well? Are 40% of the people seeing your landing page opting in? Are you making sales?

If you're recognizing that your current funnel isn't performing as expected that's precisely where our Bootcamp comes into play. 

We focus on testing and optimizing your funnel, a key process for ensuring it effectively attracts customers. 

Beyond this, the Bootcamp offers invaluable bonuses, each worth the price of the program alone, teaching you advanced optimization and marketing strategies for your funnel. 

Plus, with access to our supportive Facebook group, you'll gain direct insights and accountability from my team and I. We're here to guide you in fine-tuning your funnel to attract the engaged sales and sign ups you deserve.

Q. I’ve already taken Tanya’s other programs. Is this new information? 

YES! This is all-new information. I’ve refined and distilled my list-building strategies.

You’ll walk through a radical and revolutionary process that is perfectly suited to the current economic conditions so you don’t burn money or get distracted by shiny objects.

Instead, you’ll be laser-focused and because I’m going to be right there working WITH you, you can fast-track your growth and success.

Q. How much time will I need to go through the Bootcamp?

You'll gain LIFETIME access to the bootcamp lessons, and the core of the Bootcamp is a focused 6-week journey. 

Known for my straight-to-the-point, content-rich approach, the video lessons are laser-focused, maximizing learning in each session. 

I recommend setting aside 2-3 hours per week to thoroughly engage with and implement the lessons. 

Each week, you'll be guided through a specific step, progressively building your optimized freebie funnel, leading you steadily towards your goal of a fully functional, effective marketing asset.

Q. What kind of results can I expect to see? 

Excellent question and I like that you’re looking at your return on investment. So, while results will differ for every student, most students that fully implement the steps will see targeted leads and even, sales come in.

What I can tell you, for sure, is this… If you show up and execute every week, you will walk away with tangible assets for your business in the shape of a solid, sales-focused funnel so you can continue to build your email list with confidence.

Please review some of the amazing testimonials I have on this page here.

Q. I have more questions. Can I contact you?

Absolutely! Feel free to email my team and I -  

Please contact us if you need assistance or have any questions

Copyright © Tanya Aliza Training. All Rights Reserved.

Charlotte, North Carolina

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Legal Disclaimer: The results shared, including those of my own and my students, are not typical and are the result of hard work, dedication, and a variety of factors. Your individual success may vary, and I make no guarantees that you will achieve similar outcomes or any results.

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